Is just a flower
Blooming for all
In a lovely bower
Or else on the hillside
Scattered around
For by wandering child
To be found
Means to be true
To the hearts you love
And that love you
So don't forget
That God above
Forgets us not
For he is full of love
And as we gather
These flowers here
He's scattered for all
In this lovely sphere
Just think of the love
This message brought
Do his will
Is just a flower
Blooming for all
In a lovely bower
Or else on the hillside
Scattered around
For by wandering child
To be found
Means to be true
To the hearts you love
And that love you
So don't forget
That God above
Forgets us not
For he is full of love
And as we gather
These flowers here
He's scattered for all
In this lovely sphere
Just think of the love
This message brought
Do his will