Do Unto Others
Do unto others, brothers and sisters yore
As you would be done by just and true
If from you we assure there doth fall a grain
'Tis but the love of God therefore your gain
These are the grains He's given us to sow
That in our hearts eternal life might grow
The guarded tree he ever tends with care
That of its fruits the evil cannot share
If in your heart doth dwell the tree of life
Your good work all around can see to know
Those you reach with fragrance from its blossoms
Will feel its beauty to take strength to grow
But if you clothe your heart in pomp and fashion
To set stiff necked against pride, 'tis thin partition wall
While you thus set to see another suffer
Your eyes are blinded to your own downfall
I hear it said, "Unjustly did He deal"
If I but get a chance I will repay that I might feel
Not better no, 'tis of the same gross lust
Evil for evil that doth eat to bust
'Till of your heart there is not left a space
'Tis as a ticktock nearly run its race
That hath no cherished hope, no ground for faith
Nor no sweet charity to fill its place
How can we expect the Lord to fight our battle
If in our hearts does dwell the seed, I will revenge
Vengeance is the Lord's toward all evil
Who's sword "They will be done" He will defend.
As you would be done by just and true
If from you we assure there doth fall a grain
'Tis but the love of God therefore your gain
These are the grains He's given us to sow
That in our hearts eternal life might grow
The guarded tree he ever tends with care
That of its fruits the evil cannot share
If in your heart doth dwell the tree of life
Your good work all around can see to know
Those you reach with fragrance from its blossoms
Will feel its beauty to take strength to grow
But if you clothe your heart in pomp and fashion
To set stiff necked against pride, 'tis thin partition wall
While you thus set to see another suffer
Your eyes are blinded to your own downfall
I hear it said, "Unjustly did He deal"
If I but get a chance I will repay that I might feel
Not better no, 'tis of the same gross lust
Evil for evil that doth eat to bust
'Till of your heart there is not left a space
'Tis as a ticktock nearly run its race
That hath no cherished hope, no ground for faith
Nor no sweet charity to fill its place
How can we expect the Lord to fight our battle
If in our hearts does dwell the seed, I will revenge
Vengeance is the Lord's toward all evil
Who's sword "They will be done" He will defend.