The Dreamer
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Through the transgression of Adam and Eve
To earn their bread by the sweat of their brows
As Heaven they had to leave
To make for themselves a Heaven
On which they long could dwell
God showed them how to conquer death
And save their souls from Hell
To be subject to temptation
And gain victory over death
They must obey the word of God
Who holds the key of breath
He would give to them forgiveness
They should leave their past behind
As one by one they came to earth
As the children of mankind
Each helpless and as a baby
To seek a mother's breast
Showing God a merciful Father
Doing all things for the best"
"I seen in my dream," said the dreamer,
"Everything that did live and breathe
Through the creator's mighty power
Their right name did receive
With man's recollection blotted out
The wagon, plow and the train
Like the greatest of great inventions
With man must be born again
To be made anew in a new world
When invention thoughts would come
To keep a world from idleness
With work there to be done
He showed in the beginning
Where free agency would begin
He put a mark on the seed of Cain
To tell of the greater sin
As the spirits one by one
Went down to live again
Some were born whose skins were white
And some with the blackest stain"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Some had the negro skin
Could that be a mark God given
To tell of the greater sin
That there were so many women
With a skin as black as men?"
Here the Dreamer wondered
How the greater sin caught them
It soon was to be understood
"When a spirit to earth was sent
Down, down to take its body
With eagerness it went
She who was to be its mother
Did not want the helpless guest
The party and the silken gown
All looked to her the best
"She might of been my mother,'
Said the spirit coming back
'If ever she goes to earth again
Will her color not be black?'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"It's body here to claim
A Spirit come again to earth
Parents gave it a name
If you loved your neighbor as yourself
Do you think that you would say
'They took my neighbor's children
To an orphan's home today'?
If the words upon the dollars
were kept, 'In God we Trust'
You would be afraid to use them
For the wicked cause of lust
If a fine was placed on profanity
Its use was held a crime
The air we breathe would be more pure
God's laws kept more Divine
God can erase forever
Our time, our smile, our talk
Cast evil spirits in the swine
and gold back in the rock"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"God's plan to save unfurled
When He called His most exalted ones
To look down on the sinners' world
With pity they seen there ones they knew
Still living in their sin
Could they stay there in idleness
Mercy calling them to begin
To rescue those from a darkened pit
From the depth of sin's sad plight
When they could save a multitude
Who were lost to the ray of light?
They were willing to come down
On a mission to the earth
Many of these who had been redeemed
Were anxious to take new birth
It seemed that God was willing
His plan had well been known
To try and rescue the sinner
Like the prodigal son came home"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"god had a chosen band
A distinguished race of people
Upon the earthly land
They showed to the world by power
God and His laws were one
And as endless as the creation
That they to rescue had come
There were those like Moses and Aaron
Willing to rescue and to save
Like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
All redeemed from the depth of the grave
They led a rescued people
Who wanted to keep and obey
The Commandments of their Creator
And they followed Him dad by day
They kept the Laws and Statutes
Handed down from God to all
While united they did stand
When divided they did fall"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Upon the sinners' earth
A great and mighty people
Righteous med had given birth
They welcomed every Spirit sent
Not turning them away
They who were not blessed with children
For children they would pray
They gathered to keep them together
That they might not partake
No more up with the transgressor
The Commandments of God to break
They were given mighty leaders
'Till they became leaders too
That would not go back again to live
A life that sinners do
Many were saved of God's children
Worthy rescuers did claim
In every corner of the earth
You could read of their fame"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"What obedience would do
When even the waters of the sea
Divided while they went through
As numberless as was their children
Were the blessings they did receive
Manna fell for them from Heaven
They gathered to know and believe
None were left to starve from hunger
Or thirst for their God above
Rewarded them for being just
With the knowledge God is Love
To redeem their souls from prison
The truth had made them free
To work for a life eternal
And to do it willingly
They did deem it as a blessing
To be called a chosen son
Strong enough to conquer sin
And lift a fallen one"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"A new earth must have a king
Who could prove His love for the people
The resurrection plan to bring
One in mind with the Creator
Who could prove His words were true
God would make them rulers of many
Who would faithfully rule a few
He left the Heavenly mansion
Whose light shone as a star
To be born anew upon the earth
Where sin and sinners are
Amidst a great rebellion
He lived and went His way
Teaching the Law of a redeemed world
Regardless of what they say
He showed them righteous judgement
That none were without sin
As a mother, brother, child and friend
Are of close connected kin"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"that humanity was blind
When it failed to claim as its very own
A sinner among mankind
From the first that was created
Came forth one bad, one good
And God is the merciful Father
Of all it is understood
As the children of one living God
Who with mercy came to save
Are we not close connected
From the cradle to the grave?
If all the world would look upon
Another as its own
They would not say, 'Your child is bad
And ruined is your home'
But say, "Tis as a child of mine
That was sent to my brother there
And all would try to save it
And in the sorrow share'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"That mercy to one another
Linked every creature on the earth
As the children of a mother
That sin alone was crying out
'I'm fine while you're a sinner'
That good alone went meekly on
A help to every winner
Are not our bodies from the dust
And subject to transgression?
Are we not full of earthly lust
And striving for progression?
If we could all here realize
That we were sinners too
The children of transgression
Those of the fallen crew
There would be so few ready
'Till too late themselves to blame
They might of helped each other
A Heaven here to gain"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"The world was getting old
That great inventors had come down
Great mysteries to unfold
That the earth was big and round
With people everywhere
Not like they first had thought it was
Just small and very square
Among the swaying multitudes
Were the great throughout the earth
That would not claim their kindred
That others had given birth
Neglected the right to claim them
When transgression met its fate
They again got separated
When of sin they did partake
They would not recognize them
When their past was taken away
Let them work long hours for them
With wages small as hay"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Do as you would be done by meant
The wages given to the poor
Should be just for a good intent
That the Spirits taking a body
Their parents not to oppress
Should receive for their labor given
A share home life to bless
We cannot here progression know
Without Love for one another
You are not saved 'till you can say
'I've tried to save my brother
I'll work for their redemption
That through my blood be shed
A multitude may follow
And on its renown be fed
Though some have looked in wonder
And cried aloud with doubt
Until the blood has made a stain
For mercy they can't wipe out'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Many who were rich before
Were now oppressed and helpless
The wealth they had no more
Many who were rich before
Were now of humble birth
God who gave can take away
'Till men can prove their worth
A sinner to be pitied
Is the one who claims a soul
While they forget the body
Must again lay in a hole
And that God put two angels
To guard the tree of life
And drive from the Garden of Eden
A transgressing man and wife
Then sent a great Redeemer
To claim His right by birth
To take His body from the tomb
As a righteous King on Earth"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"The blood shed that it cost
From men who left a Heaven
To save souls that would be lost
Of God was like humanity
In its ignorance on the earth
There would be no redemption
No chance of life and birth
If the exalted all had said
Just let them go we do not care
I will not make one struggle more
To save my brother who is there
Would not the world then cease to be
When sin and death did both prevail
For would not the exalted fall
To depths as low and mean and frail
Would not oblivion soon wipe out
Their record of the past
And Spirits wander bodiless
Upon earth's bare and vast"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"In the world now very old
That multitudes were saying
Savior redeem our soul
That a soul cannot roam glad and free
If its body is left in sin
It must redeem the body
As a place to dwell therein
That the Lord did rejoice to see
A child to earth come down
All helpless as a baby
And earn a glory crown
That he would receive eternal life
Be left no more alone
Although they pierced His body
He would not leave His Throne
'Father forgive them,' He would say
'They know not what they have done'
These words alone would make Him
The God of Mercy's Son"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Fill with numbers in a band
They had gathered themselves together
As in bundles in the land
That many in these bodies
Had no aspirations higher
Than waiting for the burning
Of the all-consuming fire
That would open wide the secret doors
Where in the money went
That could help to save a nation
If handled with good interest
That the courthouse doors were open
Where they look on curiously
Where the lawyers, judge and jury
All are waiting anxiously
That there are countless numbers
Who with guilty thoughts conspire
To swear a lie for money
While their souls are branded liar"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"As death came to claim its own
A monument to the memory
Is not a marble stone
Although against the ills of life
Men try to do their part
They may try to heal an injury
But they cannot search the heart
No more than they can heal the death
That all are meant to meet
No more than they can save the soul
Whose heart has ceased to beat
'Tis better for that men should die
Than disobey God's Laws
There our only hope doth be
And justice plead the cause
Man may take for either good or evil sung
Use its methods to conceive their plan
But angels of the good are guarding ever
That which measures out Eternal Life to Man"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"As in the last days of Pompeii
Where the lusts of the flesh of the fallen
Ash covered and helpless did lay
The day that would burn as an oven
The time of the harvest so ripe
They were falling like fruit from the bushes
Helpless in humanities' plight
Wolves had crept into sheep's clothing
Assuming to rule and to save
Doubling their part with the tempter
The wages of sin and the grave
Murder, lying, deceit, and injustice
Tobacco, fashion, hopeless vice all around
Satan with his Hosts cast among us
To help cast a Host again down
'Till nations were starving from hunger
'Till God had been conquered by lust
It would by them no Manna from heaven
Though hungry, devoid of a crust"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"A rescuer to earth came
Holding the key to the bottomless pit
Where death and sin did reign
A warning to the earth was gave
The time was drawing near
Shake off the chains that bind you
You who have need to fear
Look up to give God Glory
Unite your bodies to live
Not only in the depths below
That sin to you does give
Rejoice all who are worthy
Let your rejoicing be heard
A love for one another
So big that they can see
You are working for the Kingdom
To come on the earth that's here
That you may be found worthy
In the Lord you love most dear."
"Through the transgression of Adam and Eve
To earn their bread by the sweat of their brows
As Heaven they had to leave
To make for themselves a Heaven
On which they long could dwell
God showed them how to conquer death
And save their souls from Hell
To be subject to temptation
And gain victory over death
They must obey the word of God
Who holds the key of breath
He would give to them forgiveness
They should leave their past behind
As one by one they came to earth
As the children of mankind
Each helpless and as a baby
To seek a mother's breast
Showing God a merciful Father
Doing all things for the best"
"I seen in my dream," said the dreamer,
"Everything that did live and breathe
Through the creator's mighty power
Their right name did receive
With man's recollection blotted out
The wagon, plow and the train
Like the greatest of great inventions
With man must be born again
To be made anew in a new world
When invention thoughts would come
To keep a world from idleness
With work there to be done
He showed in the beginning
Where free agency would begin
He put a mark on the seed of Cain
To tell of the greater sin
As the spirits one by one
Went down to live again
Some were born whose skins were white
And some with the blackest stain"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Some had the negro skin
Could that be a mark God given
To tell of the greater sin
That there were so many women
With a skin as black as men?"
Here the Dreamer wondered
How the greater sin caught them
It soon was to be understood
"When a spirit to earth was sent
Down, down to take its body
With eagerness it went
She who was to be its mother
Did not want the helpless guest
The party and the silken gown
All looked to her the best
"She might of been my mother,'
Said the spirit coming back
'If ever she goes to earth again
Will her color not be black?'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"It's body here to claim
A Spirit come again to earth
Parents gave it a name
If you loved your neighbor as yourself
Do you think that you would say
'They took my neighbor's children
To an orphan's home today'?
If the words upon the dollars
were kept, 'In God we Trust'
You would be afraid to use them
For the wicked cause of lust
If a fine was placed on profanity
Its use was held a crime
The air we breathe would be more pure
God's laws kept more Divine
God can erase forever
Our time, our smile, our talk
Cast evil spirits in the swine
and gold back in the rock"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"God's plan to save unfurled
When He called His most exalted ones
To look down on the sinners' world
With pity they seen there ones they knew
Still living in their sin
Could they stay there in idleness
Mercy calling them to begin
To rescue those from a darkened pit
From the depth of sin's sad plight
When they could save a multitude
Who were lost to the ray of light?
They were willing to come down
On a mission to the earth
Many of these who had been redeemed
Were anxious to take new birth
It seemed that God was willing
His plan had well been known
To try and rescue the sinner
Like the prodigal son came home"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"god had a chosen band
A distinguished race of people
Upon the earthly land
They showed to the world by power
God and His laws were one
And as endless as the creation
That they to rescue had come
There were those like Moses and Aaron
Willing to rescue and to save
Like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
All redeemed from the depth of the grave
They led a rescued people
Who wanted to keep and obey
The Commandments of their Creator
And they followed Him dad by day
They kept the Laws and Statutes
Handed down from God to all
While united they did stand
When divided they did fall"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Upon the sinners' earth
A great and mighty people
Righteous med had given birth
They welcomed every Spirit sent
Not turning them away
They who were not blessed with children
For children they would pray
They gathered to keep them together
That they might not partake
No more up with the transgressor
The Commandments of God to break
They were given mighty leaders
'Till they became leaders too
That would not go back again to live
A life that sinners do
Many were saved of God's children
Worthy rescuers did claim
In every corner of the earth
You could read of their fame"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"What obedience would do
When even the waters of the sea
Divided while they went through
As numberless as was their children
Were the blessings they did receive
Manna fell for them from Heaven
They gathered to know and believe
None were left to starve from hunger
Or thirst for their God above
Rewarded them for being just
With the knowledge God is Love
To redeem their souls from prison
The truth had made them free
To work for a life eternal
And to do it willingly
They did deem it as a blessing
To be called a chosen son
Strong enough to conquer sin
And lift a fallen one"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"A new earth must have a king
Who could prove His love for the people
The resurrection plan to bring
One in mind with the Creator
Who could prove His words were true
God would make them rulers of many
Who would faithfully rule a few
He left the Heavenly mansion
Whose light shone as a star
To be born anew upon the earth
Where sin and sinners are
Amidst a great rebellion
He lived and went His way
Teaching the Law of a redeemed world
Regardless of what they say
He showed them righteous judgement
That none were without sin
As a mother, brother, child and friend
Are of close connected kin"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"that humanity was blind
When it failed to claim as its very own
A sinner among mankind
From the first that was created
Came forth one bad, one good
And God is the merciful Father
Of all it is understood
As the children of one living God
Who with mercy came to save
Are we not close connected
From the cradle to the grave?
If all the world would look upon
Another as its own
They would not say, 'Your child is bad
And ruined is your home'
But say, "Tis as a child of mine
That was sent to my brother there
And all would try to save it
And in the sorrow share'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"That mercy to one another
Linked every creature on the earth
As the children of a mother
That sin alone was crying out
'I'm fine while you're a sinner'
That good alone went meekly on
A help to every winner
Are not our bodies from the dust
And subject to transgression?
Are we not full of earthly lust
And striving for progression?
If we could all here realize
That we were sinners too
The children of transgression
Those of the fallen crew
There would be so few ready
'Till too late themselves to blame
They might of helped each other
A Heaven here to gain"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"The world was getting old
That great inventors had come down
Great mysteries to unfold
That the earth was big and round
With people everywhere
Not like they first had thought it was
Just small and very square
Among the swaying multitudes
Were the great throughout the earth
That would not claim their kindred
That others had given birth
Neglected the right to claim them
When transgression met its fate
They again got separated
When of sin they did partake
They would not recognize them
When their past was taken away
Let them work long hours for them
With wages small as hay"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Do as you would be done by meant
The wages given to the poor
Should be just for a good intent
That the Spirits taking a body
Their parents not to oppress
Should receive for their labor given
A share home life to bless
We cannot here progression know
Without Love for one another
You are not saved 'till you can say
'I've tried to save my brother
I'll work for their redemption
That through my blood be shed
A multitude may follow
And on its renown be fed
Though some have looked in wonder
And cried aloud with doubt
Until the blood has made a stain
For mercy they can't wipe out'"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Many who were rich before
Were now oppressed and helpless
The wealth they had no more
Many who were rich before
Were now of humble birth
God who gave can take away
'Till men can prove their worth
A sinner to be pitied
Is the one who claims a soul
While they forget the body
Must again lay in a hole
And that God put two angels
To guard the tree of life
And drive from the Garden of Eden
A transgressing man and wife
Then sent a great Redeemer
To claim His right by birth
To take His body from the tomb
As a righteous King on Earth"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"The blood shed that it cost
From men who left a Heaven
To save souls that would be lost
Of God was like humanity
In its ignorance on the earth
There would be no redemption
No chance of life and birth
If the exalted all had said
Just let them go we do not care
I will not make one struggle more
To save my brother who is there
Would not the world then cease to be
When sin and death did both prevail
For would not the exalted fall
To depths as low and mean and frail
Would not oblivion soon wipe out
Their record of the past
And Spirits wander bodiless
Upon earth's bare and vast"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"In the world now very old
That multitudes were saying
Savior redeem our soul
That a soul cannot roam glad and free
If its body is left in sin
It must redeem the body
As a place to dwell therein
That the Lord did rejoice to see
A child to earth come down
All helpless as a baby
And earn a glory crown
That he would receive eternal life
Be left no more alone
Although they pierced His body
He would not leave His Throne
'Father forgive them,' He would say
'They know not what they have done'
These words alone would make Him
The God of Mercy's Son"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"Fill with numbers in a band
They had gathered themselves together
As in bundles in the land
That many in these bodies
Had no aspirations higher
Than waiting for the burning
Of the all-consuming fire
That would open wide the secret doors
Where in the money went
That could help to save a nation
If handled with good interest
That the courthouse doors were open
Where they look on curiously
Where the lawyers, judge and jury
All are waiting anxiously
That there are countless numbers
Who with guilty thoughts conspire
To swear a lie for money
While their souls are branded liar"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"As death came to claim its own
A monument to the memory
Is not a marble stone
Although against the ills of life
Men try to do their part
They may try to heal an injury
But they cannot search the heart
No more than they can heal the death
That all are meant to meet
No more than they can save the soul
Whose heart has ceased to beat
'Tis better for that men should die
Than disobey God's Laws
There our only hope doth be
And justice plead the cause
Man may take for either good or evil sung
Use its methods to conceive their plan
But angels of the good are guarding ever
That which measures out Eternal Life to Man"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"As in the last days of Pompeii
Where the lusts of the flesh of the fallen
Ash covered and helpless did lay
The day that would burn as an oven
The time of the harvest so ripe
They were falling like fruit from the bushes
Helpless in humanities' plight
Wolves had crept into sheep's clothing
Assuming to rule and to save
Doubling their part with the tempter
The wages of sin and the grave
Murder, lying, deceit, and injustice
Tobacco, fashion, hopeless vice all around
Satan with his Hosts cast among us
To help cast a Host again down
'Till nations were starving from hunger
'Till God had been conquered by lust
It would by them no Manna from heaven
Though hungry, devoid of a crust"
"I seen in my dream," said the Dreamer,
"A rescuer to earth came
Holding the key to the bottomless pit
Where death and sin did reign
A warning to the earth was gave
The time was drawing near
Shake off the chains that bind you
You who have need to fear
Look up to give God Glory
Unite your bodies to live
Not only in the depths below
That sin to you does give
Rejoice all who are worthy
Let your rejoicing be heard
A love for one another
So big that they can see
You are working for the Kingdom
To come on the earth that's here
That you may be found worthy
In the Lord you love most dear."